Visual Paradigm Version 13.2 PRO Full Download (with crack)
Users' Needs Are Fundamental
User story is a proven technique to capture and maintain user needs. With our UeXceler tool, you can write user stories and manage them with use cases, sprint and tags. All these can be done within Visual Paradigm, the design environment and on the web, anytime, anywhere.
Don't Just Tell Them, Show Them
"A picture is worth a thousand words." The wireframe and storyboard tools provide an effective way for the end users to preview the system, give comments and confirm requirements, all in requirements capturing phase. Wireframe and storyboard also help developers to design screens and implement system interactions.
Inquire Process, Initiate Changes, Improve Workflow
Inquire the process visually using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) tool. Analyze the current (as-is) process then initiate changes for forthcoming (to-be) process. Animations are always more interesting than static images. That's why Visual Paradigm offer a Business Process Animation feature for you to turn static business process design into engaging business process movies.
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